Monday, November 04, 2024
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Shows & Faires

S H O W S  &  F A I R E S

1. Arizona Renaissance Festival 2024 -- FEB 3 - MARCH 31, 2024. INCLUDING PRESIDENT'S DAY FEB 19. Booth #241 in Gold Canyon, AZ. Every weekend, Sat & Sunday, rain or shine. 10am - 6:00pm. My Booth is just inside the Front Gate, between the Pleasure Feasst and the King's Kitchen on the left hand side. It's across from the Mayor's Pavillion on the left. - 

2. Norman Medieval Faire 2024 -- RUTH THOMPSON FANTASY ART WILL NOT BE AT THE 2023 FAIRE. The last weekend of the Arizona Ren Faire overlaps Norman this year so come visit us at the Scarborough Renaissance Faire in Waxahatchie, TX.  -


3. Scarborough Renaissance Festival 2024 -- APRIL 6 - MAY 27, 2024 INCLUDING MEMORIAL DAY MONDAY in Waxahatchie, TX. Every weekend, Sat & Sunday, rain or shine. 10am - 7:00pm.  Ruth will NOT be at the show because she is still sick and trying to get better... Sorry.. NEW BOOTH #158 ON TAYLOR LANE IN THE PECAN GROVE - Bright white with red trim near the Mermaid Lagoon and Taylor Stage. 


4. Colorado Renaissance Festival 2024 -- JUNE 15 - AUG 4, 2024 -- in Larkspur, CO. Every weekend, Sat & Sunday, rain or shine. 10am - 6:30pm. Booth #44. My Booth is located across from the Castle Rose Stage on the same row as the Pirate Ship. - 

5. Minnesota Renaissance Festival 2024 --  AUG 17 - SEPT 29, 2024 INCLUDING LABOR DAY SEPT. 2th & FRIDAY SEPT. 27.-- in Shakopee, MN. Every weekend, Sat & Sunday, rain or shine. Booth #733. 9am - 7pm.-- 

6. Michigan Renaissance Festival 2024 --  AUG 17 - SEPT 29, 2024 INCLUDING LABOR DAY SEPT. 4th & FRIDAY SEPT 27.-- in Holly, MI. Every weekend, Sat & Sunday, rain or shine. Booth #202. 10am - 7pm --

7. Kansas City Renaissance Festival 2024 --- SEPT. 2 - OCT. 15, 2024 including LABOR DAY SEPT. 4th & MONDAY OCT. 9 -- in Bonner Springs, KS. Booth#338. We're located on Follie Field behind the Joust and across from the Astrologer's Big Booth next to Casteel Gallery.


8. Carolina Renaissance Festival 2024 --- OCT 5 - NOV 24, 2024 -- in Huntersville, NC. Every weekend, Sat & Sunday, rain or shine. Booth #210. ----


9. Licensing Expo 2024 --- MAY 21 - 23, 2024 -- in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mandalay Bay Convention Center under TATE & CO ART LICENSING. Exhibitor booth TBA-- 9am - 5pm -

10. Gencon Game Faire 2024 --- AUG 1 - 4, 2024  -- in Indianapolis, IN. Exhibitor Booth #129 in the Indianapolis Convention Center. 10am - 6pm.


11. Dragoncon 2024 --- AUG 29 - SEPT 2, 2024 INCLUDING LABOR DAY SEPT. 2th -- in Atlanta, GA Americasmart Bldg #2, Floor #1. Booth #1208,1210 & 1212. 10am - 7pm --- THIS IS RUTH'S LAST DRAGONCON!


Ruth's Schedule changes often so check here and on social media to confirm.

1. Arizona Renaissance Festival 2024 -- Feb 3 - March 31, 2024. Every weekend, every day of the Festival!

2. Licensing Expo 2024 -- May 21 - 23, 2024. All 3 days of the Expo. 

3. Colorado Renaissance Festival -- June 15-16, 22-23, 29-30, 6-7, 13-14, 2024. 1st - 5th weekends of the Faire.
4. Gencon Game Faire 2024 -- Aug 1 - 4, 2024. All 3 days of the Convention.

5. Dragoncon 2024 -- Aug 29 - Sept 2, 2024. All 4 days of the Convention. THIS IS RUTH'S LAST DRAGONCON! 

6. Carolina Renaissance Festival 2024 --- Nov 23 - 24, 2024. Last weekend
of the Faire.